TLRE have been busy over the summer, carrying our inspections, agreeing terms and drafting heads of terms between the landlord and tenant.
Happily this has resulted in a number of transactions, some completing in record time enabling occupiers to acquire premises before their sector busy periods or looming lease event dates.
Unit 2 Stadium Trade and Business Park, was let to Distinction Contracts and together with units 6 and unit 8 forms a hatrick of lettings, even Ivan Toney would be proud of. Units 1a, c and d are under offer subject to the new build completing shortly and unit 16 is also under offer at Stadium Trade and Business Park. Unit 1b is the only available unit on the scheme (4,730 sq ft).
Unit 1 Ryan Drive, Brentford was let to Choose to Rent within 3 weeks of the instruction being given to market the premises was confirmed. The letting of 2,563 sq ft was also a record rent for the scheme and the area.
Unit 7 Barley Point, Hook was successfully sold to an institutional purchaser. The modern 8,155 sqft unit benefitted from two storey offices, generous loading apron and an up and over loading door. The unit is now available to let, jointly with JLL and TLRE. Please let us know if you require details.
Its been a busy summer and the team here at TLRE are happy to report, going into the Autumn, despite the wider picture, that inspections/viewings and agreed terms are still at robust levels.
If you wish to discuss any of the above transactions or you own or manage a unit that is proving difficult in attracting good quality tenants, then please speak to either Ed or Paul who should be able to assist.
October 2022.