Whilst the summer sun has been setting record temperatures, TLRE have been setting their own records in achieved rents for landlord clients in the occupational trade, industrial and logistics market.
Unit H1 Mowlem Trading Estate, London, N17 0QJ , a fully refurbished unit at the entrance to the scheme was let to Colt Cabs earlier in the summer. The 13,952 sqft unit benefitted from 2 loading doors, an eaves of 5.7m, fitted first floor offices and a generous loading apron. TLRE acted for Goodman jointly with Gerald Eve.
Unit A Sevenoaks Business Park, Crampton Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 5EF is a new build unit, where TLRE and Michael Rodgers were acting on behalf of IPIF. The unit, benefitting from an eaves height of 5.5m and up and over loading door is prominently positioned at the front of the scheme. Terms were agreed with City Plumbing Supplies.
Acting on behalf of Royal London, jointly with Colliers CRE, TLRE were able to agree terms for Unit C1 Six Bridges Trading Estate, London SE1 5JT with Glum Tortoise. The 8,534 sqft unit was refurbished and benefitted from an up and over loading door, an eaves height of 6.1m and ground and first floor offices.
Please speak to the TLRE team if you have an empty unit or an upcoming void and wish to find a good quality occupier.
August 2022.